Saturday, March 20, 2010

Personal Safety when Confronting Danger

Personal Safety when Confronting Danger

Always trust your instincts, if something feels wrong, something is probably wrong.

Be aware of your surroundings; be alert just like defensive driving. You don’t want to think the worst of someone walking towards you, although just being ready could mean the difference.

Carry your bags close to you; this makes it less inviting for a dirt bag to grab your goods. Also carrying your bag close means your personal protection device is within reach.

Look confident, believe you ready are for whatever may happen, and that no one better try it. Believe me when you’re carrying your personal protection device it alone gives you that confidence.

If you are planning to go somewhere, let someone know where and when you expect to be back.

If you are being followed head to a crowded place. Better yet if you’re familiar with your area head for the police station. Upon arriving let them know of your situation and that you have a personal protection device on you.

Pay close attention of multiple people that are convening on you, you may be getting set-up for a mugging. This is where practicing with your personal protection device will come in handy. Remember it’s like defensive driving be prepared.

Know yourself, how do you react in a crisis situation? Have a game plan, think of some scenarios and what you would do. Take a personal defense class or watch some personal protection videos, this will give you an idea of your options and some of the situations you may find yourself in that self defense is your only option.

When confronted show your anger not your fear. A furious reaction may stop an attack. Remember that dirt bag attacker is looking for an easy victim. Yelling is always a good deterrent. A choice word to yell is FIRE, this will draw attention to those who do not want to get involved but may be concerned for their own safety and may come to help.

If there are other people around, yell loudly enough to get their attention to what the assailant is doing. This also could be enough of a distraction giving you time to retrieve your personal protection device and zap the dirt bag with it.

If your are alone and do not know anyone on the street or nearby, try calling a name out to make the attacker believe you may be with someone. This may also help you if you are at home alone.

If someone has a weapon, stay calm and wait for an opportunity. Weapons make the situation more dangerous and difficult, but there still may be something you can do about the situation.

Basically use non-resistance to prevent physical violence. If possible try to negotiate with your attacker, make them see you as a real person with a name and a life.

Stall for time any way possible. Yell at the top of your lungs while reaching for your personal protection device.

Distract or divert the attacker, try screaming or using a whistle, shriek like a banshee while always looking for a chance to flee the hostile situation. Remember your verbal assertiveness, let them try it.

Main thing be ready, stay calm, and think quick.

1 comment:

  1. That is one of the greatest things ever. That is one of the most incredible feelings on Earth.

    Best Attorney
